Impact of motorcycle accidents in the municipality of Anápolis




Traffic, Injuries, Motorcycles, Prevention


Introduction: Motorcyclists, often involved in serious accidents, represent a significant economic and social burden, especially for low-income families and for social security in cases of death. Objective: to carry out a survey of accidents involving motorcycles in the city of Anápolis. Methods: This is a descriptive and ecological study that used data from DATASUS. Results: Through data collected in DATASUS, it was observed that the number of traumatized motorcyclists in the municipality varied significantly. The year 2021 was its peak, with 504 victims, showing an increase compared to 2020 (308 cases). After this increase, the numbers decreased in 2022 (393) and 2023 (391). The total number of days of hospitalization also followed this trend, reaching 2,107 days in 2021. The value of the Hospital Admission Authorization (AIH) varied, with the lowest value recorded in 2021 (R$1,186.41) and the highest in 2023 (R$1,543 ,33). The total cost of hospital services remained high, with the highest value in 2021 (R$1,186.41). Conclusion: Between 2020 and 2023, motorcycle accidents in Anápolis overwhelmed the SUS, hospitalizations and hospital costs totaled R$1,812,540. In the long term, investment in accident prevention can help reduce financial impacts and improve public health in the municipality.



How to Cite

Leal , D. M., Matushita, D. T. T., & Mota Neto, J. V. (2025). Impact of motorcycle accidents in the municipality of Anápolis. Scientific Journal CEREM-GO, 5(14).