
  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 5 No. 13 (2024)

    The Scientifc Journal CEREM Goiás has stood out as an efficient platform for disseminating innovative research in the health area, exceeding expectations with each new edition. By adopting the continuous flow system, we further expand our commitment to offering a privileged and reliable space for the presentation of highly relevant scientific work.

    CEREM Goiás reinforces the invitation to this work to strengthen science and medical education, seeking to promote the development of the sector and the training of professionals increasingly prepared to face contemporary challenges.

    Come and be part of this movement and contribute to the progress of knowledge in the area of health. Send your articles to the email or via the link https://revista.


  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 4 No. 12 (2024)

    Welcome 2024 with renewed determination and energy to face a year full of challenges. The Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás has reached new heights, exceeding expectations with each edition.

    To continue this upward process, the publication underwent a restructuring and, from the next edition onwards, will adopt a continuous flow system, providing a more dynamic and accessible approach to readers and researchers. The magazine will continue to publish three volumes annually, following a four-monthly closing schedule.

    Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of these pages that raise the quality of medical research. Send your articles to the email or via the link and be part of this community that drives excellence in medicine in Goiás!

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 4 No. 11 (2023)

    We close the year by presenting to our esteemed readers the latest 2023 edition of the Revista Científica CEREM Goiás. We consider this year a great success, as we managed to contribute significantly to the dissemination of scientific work developed by resident doctors and medical residency services in our region.

    With a growing participation of resident doctors and medical residency services, presenting relevant and unprecedented work, we anticipate that the year 2024 will be even more prosperous and productive.

    We invite you to contribute to this initiative, whose main objective is scientific dissemination and the advancement of medical learning in our state. Send your articles to the email lojacientificacerem@

    Join CEREM Goiás and strengthen this important mission!

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 4 No. 10 (2023)

    With the valuable participation of many who believed in this project, we are pleased to deliver to our readers the 10th issue of our Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás, already considered one of the most important and respected medical-scientific publications in Goiás and Brazil. We remain firm and determined to contribute more and more to the serious and transparent dissemination of the scientific work carried out by resident physicians and medical residency services in our region.

    However, for us to continue moving forward, it is essential that we have the participation of a growing number of medical residents and medical residency services, sending us relevant and unpublished works for publication on our pages. You can also contribute to this initiative whose main objective is scientific dissemination and the advancement of medical learning in our state.

    Articles must be sent to the email
    Come join forces with CEREM Goiás!

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 3 No. 09 (2023)

    We started the year of 2023 by presenting to our qualified readers the 9th issue of the CEREM Goiás Scientific Journal. Consolidated, our publication plays an important role in the Goiás State Medical Residency Commission - CEREM Goiás, disseminating in a serious and transparent way the scientific work carried out by resident physicians and medical residency services in our region and supporting our main mission of helping the 24 Corenes of the state of Goiás, from an administrative and management point of view together with our resident physicians.

    Contribute to the exchange of experiences and the advancement of medical learning. Participate in these pages that share knowledge and help to enhance medical residency in Goiás.

    Articles must be sent to the email

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 3 No. 08 (2022)

    We reached number 8 of Revista Científica CEREM Goiás, surpassing expectations and making clear the importance that our publication conquered among resident physicians, medical residency services and the medical community, who approved and embraced our idea. Today these pages are, effectively, a privileged and reliable space for the dissemination of outstanding and unpublished scientific works.

    The trust and increasing participation of our public has ensured the sustainable growth of our journal, which is already considered by Brazil’s and Goia’s scientific community as an academic, scientific and socially relevant vehicle.

    You can also contribute to the exchange of experiences and the advancement of medical learning. Participate of these pages that share knowledge and help value the medical residency in Goiás.

    Articles should be sent to the email

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 3 No. 07 (2022)

    It is with great satisfaction and joy that we deliver another issue of the Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás to our distinguished readership. With a lot of seriousness and work, every day our vehicle has been consolidating itself as one of the most reputable and renowned medical-scientific publications in Goiás and Brazil. Thanks to everyone who has believed in our project, answered our call and sent their scientific works for evaluation and publication, we are offering our share of contribution to the responsible and academically relevant dissemination of the scientific production of resident physicians and medical residency services from our region.

    In order to continue this work, which ultimately contributes to the advancement of medical learning, we hope to have the participation of an increasing number of medical residents and medical residency services. Submit your articles for publication on our pages.

    We count on your support and participation!
    Best regards.

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 2 No. 06 (2022)

    We started 2022 with full strength and determination to face a year full of uncertainties and challenges. With each issue, Revista Científica CEREM Goiás exceeds initial expectations and makes it clear that resident physicians, residency services and the medical community as a whole received our publication in an extremely positive way, in addition to recognizing our uninterrupted efforts to ensure that this journal is a privileged and reliable space for the dissemination of unpublished scientific works.

    In order to continue our job of consolidating the Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás as a an academic, scientific and socially relevant vehicle, contributing to the exchange of experiences and the advancement of medical learning, we count on the indispensable participation of those who trust in the importance of science done with seriousness and ethics.

    Participate of these pages that share knowledge and help in the enhancement of medical residency in Goiás.

    Articles must be sent to the email

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 2 No. 05 (2021)

    Our Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás reaches number 5, contributing more and more to the serious and transparent dissemination of scientific works developed by resident physicians and medical residency services in our region and consolidating itself as one of the important and renowned medical-scientific publications in Goiás and from Brazil.

    However, to continue on this upward trajectory, it is essential that we count on the participation of a growing number of medical residents and medical residency services, sending us relevant and unpublished works for publication on our pages. You can also contribute to this initiative that has as its main objective the scientific dissemination and advancement of medical learning in our state.

    The articles must be sent to the e-mail

    Come join forces with CEREM Goiás!

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 2 No. 04 (2021)

    It is with pride and joy that we make available to our qualified readership the number 4 of the Revista Científica CEREM Goiás. Once again, our publication shows its importance in helping decisively for the serious and transparent dissemination of scientific works developed by medical residents and services of medical residency in our region.

    With each issue, our publication exceeds the most optimistic expectations, demonstrating that it already occupies a unique space in the list of medical-scientific publications in Goiás and Brazil.

    In order to continue earning the affection and respect of the medical community and contributing to the scientific dissemination and advancement of medical learning, we hope to have the participation of a growing number of medical residents and medical residency services, sending us relevant and unpublished works for publication in our pages. Articles should be sent to the e-mail

    We count on your contribution.

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 1 No. 03 (2021)

    The State Medical Residency Commission of Goiás - CEREM Goiás has the mission of assisting the 24 Coremes in the state of Goiás, from an administrative and management point of view with our resident physicians.

    Understanding that it is necessary to take care of the scientific questions that guide Medicine, we idealized the Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás, in addition to carrying out Continuing Education activities with the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Goiás - CREMEGO.

    Now headquartered at the Hospital das Clínicas de Goiás - HC-UFG, we are moving towards helping and favoring the good training of this lato sensu graduate program, through good practices aiming at the best result with the population we assist.

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 1 No. 02 (2020)

    Reaffirming the importance achieved through a serious and committed performance with the scientific excellence and the promotion of research in the health area, the State Medical Residency Commission of Goiás - CEREM Goiás publishes the second edition of the Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás.

    The participation in our first publication exceeded our expectations and showed that the initiative was very well received by resident doctors, medical residency services and the medical community as a whole, who realized our efforts to transform the pages of the Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás in a privileged and reliable space for the dissemination of its scientific work.

    It is with interactivity and the increasing continuous participation of this public that our magazine will grow and will consolidate itself as an academic, scientific and socially relevant vehicle, contributing to the exchange of experiences and advancement of the medical learning.

    Participate of these pages that share knowledge and help in the valorization of the medical residency in Goiás.

  • Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
    Vol. 1 No. 01 (2020)

    The promotion of research and scientific production is undoubtedly one of the main pillars of The Goias State Medical Residency Commission - CEREM Goiás, a reputable entity that plays an important role in the regional health scenario. Therefore, having as main objective the dissemination of scientific production by resident physicians, medical residency services and the medical community, we created the CEREM Goiás Scientific Magazine.

    With this initiative, we reaffirm the academic, scientific and social importance of medical residency and we offer our share of contribution to scientific dissemination and the advancement of medical learning, which ultimately represents the expansion of professional excellence and better results for patients.

    Welcome to the first edition of the Scientific Journal CEREM-GO.