Vol. 3 No. 07 (2022): Scientific Journal CEREM- GO

					View Vol. 3 No. 07 (2022): Scientific Journal CEREM- GO

It is with great satisfaction and joy that we deliver another issue of the Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás to our distinguished readership. With a lot of seriousness and work, every day our vehicle has been consolidating itself as one of the most reputable and renowned medical-scientific publications in Goiás and Brazil. Thanks to everyone who has believed in our project, answered our call and sent their scientific works for evaluation and publication, we are offering our share of contribution to the responsible and academically relevant dissemination of the scientific production of resident physicians and medical residency services from our region.

In order to continue this work, which ultimately contributes to the advancement of medical learning, we hope to have the participation of an increasing number of medical residents and medical residency services. Submit your articles for publication on our pages.

Email revistacientificacerem@gmail.com
We count on your support and participation!
Best regards.

Published: 2022-06-01