About the Journal
The Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás is an academic, scientific and socially relevant vehicle, which contributes to the exchange of experiences and the advancement of medical learning through the serious and transparent dissemination of unpublished scientific works, developed by resident doctors and medical residency services of our region.
The CEREM Goiás Scientific Journal is an active agent in promoting medical knowledge, encouraging research and providing a valuable platform for the dissemination of discoveries that positively impact clinical practice and, consequently, patients' quality of life.
Current Issue
A Prosperous New Year Full of Achievements
We conclude the year by presenting our esteemed readers with the final 2024 edition of the CEREM Goiás Scientific Journal. This year has been a great success, as we had the opportunity to significantly contribute to the dissemination of scientific works produced by medical residents and residency programs in our region.
Our expectation is that 2025 will be even more prosperous and productive.
We invite you to be part of this initiative, whose primary goal is to promote scientific dissemination and the advancement of medical knowledge in our state. Submit your articles to revistacientificacerem@gmail.com or via the link: https://revista.ceremgoias.org.br/index.php/CEREM/about/submissions.