Vol. 2 No. 04 (2021): Scientific Journal CEREM- GO

					View Vol. 2 No. 04 (2021): Scientific Journal CEREM- GO

It is with pride and joy that we make available to our qualified readership the number 4 of the Revista Científica CEREM Goiás. Once again, our publication shows its importance in helping decisively for the serious and transparent dissemination of scientific works developed by medical residents and services of medical residency in our region.

With each issue, our publication exceeds the most optimistic expectations, demonstrating that it already occupies a unique space in the list of medical-scientific publications in Goiás and Brazil.

In order to continue earning the affection and respect of the medical community and contributing to the scientific dissemination and advancement of medical learning, we hope to have the participation of a growing number of medical residents and medical residency services, sending us relevant and unpublished works for publication in our pages. Articles should be sent to the e-mail revistacientificacerem@gmail.com

We count on your contribution.

Published: 2021-06-01