Vol. 4 No. 10 (2023): Scientific Journal CEREM- GO
With the valuable participation of many who believed in this project, we are pleased to deliver to our readers the 10th issue of our Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás, already considered one of the most important and respected medical-scientific publications in Goiás and Brazil. We remain firm and determined to contribute more and more to the serious and transparent dissemination of the scientific work carried out by resident physicians and medical residency services in our region.
However, for us to continue moving forward, it is essential that we have the participation of a growing number of medical residents and medical residency services, sending us relevant and unpublished works for publication on our pages. You can also contribute to this initiative whose main objective is scientific dissemination and the advancement of medical learning in our state.
Articles must be sent to the email revistacientificacerem@gmail.com.
Come join forces with CEREM Goiás!