Vol. 5 No. 13 (2024): Scientific Journal CEREM- GO

					View Vol. 5 No. 13 (2024): Scientific Journal CEREM- GO

The Scientifc Journal CEREM Goiás has stood out as an efficient platform for disseminating innovative research in the health area, exceeding expectations with each new edition. By adopting the continuous flow system, we further expand our commitment to offering a privileged and reliable space for the presentation of highly relevant scientific work.

CEREM Goiás reinforces the invitation to this work to strengthen science and medical education, seeking to promote the development of the sector and the training of professionals increasingly prepared to face contemporary challenges.

Come and be part of this movement and contribute to the progress of knowledge in the area of health. Send your articles to the email lojacientificacerem@gmail.com or via the link https://revista. ceremgoias.org.br/index.php/CEREM/about/submissions


Published: 2024-07-31