Vol. 1 No. 03 (2021): Scientific Journal CEREM- GO

					View Vol. 1 No. 03 (2021): Scientific Journal CEREM- GO

The State Medical Residency Commission of Goiás - CEREM Goiás has the mission of assisting the 24 Coremes in the state of Goiás, from an administrative and management point of view with our resident physicians.

Understanding that it is necessary to take care of the scientific questions that guide Medicine, we idealized the Scientific Journal CEREM Goiás, in addition to carrying out Continuing Education activities with the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Goiás - CREMEGO.

Now headquartered at the Hospital das Clínicas de Goiás - HC-UFG, we are moving towards helping and favoring the good training of this lato sensu graduate program, through good practices aiming at the best result with the population we assist.

Published: 2021-02-01